Tutorial Transcript
Привет! Как дела? [Privet! Kak dela?] Hello, how are you? Welcome to Russian weekly words with me Katyusha. Are you ready? Let’s have a look what kind of topic we have today. Health concerns. Uh do you have any health concerns? боль [bol`] - “pain”. Its soft (l) in the end.... боль [bol`]. In English, it`s kind of pain! Feel the pain. In Russian, pain is kind of very soft... [боль - bol`]... very kind, romantic, no? “Do you feel any pain?” Вы чувствуете боль где-нибудь? [Vy chustvuyete bol' gde-nibut'? ] ожог [azhok] - “burn”. Don’t forget to say in the end [г]. “He had some burns when he did fireworks.” У него было несколько ожогов после салюта./ У него было несколько ожогов после питард. [U nevo byla neskal'ka azhogaf posle salyuta./ U nevo byla neskal'ka azhogaf posle pitard.] Fireworks can be like big or small one, as well.. тошнота [tashnata] - “nausea” You feel sick right? “Sometimes in the airplane, I have nausea.” Иногда в самолёте я чувствую тошноту. [Inagda f samalyote ya chustvuyu tashnatu.] зуд [zud] - “itch”. “After mosquito bite, I have itch.” После укуса комара, у меня зуд. [ Posle ukusa kamara, u menya zud.] усталость [ustalast'] - “fatigue”. “I am sorry, I work too much and I have fatigue, can I go home?” Вы знаете, я так много работала, и у меня такая усталость. Можно я пойду домой? [ Vy znayete, ya tak mnoga rabotala, i u menya takaya ustalast'. Mozhna ya paydu damoy?] The end! I hope you don’t have any other concerns, health concerns. I hope you are well and in a good mood and so I will see you some other time with my Russian words and me Katyusha! [Пока-пока - paka-paka]