Tutorial Transcript
Want to speak real Russian from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at RussianPod 101.com. Привет (Privet)! How are you? Welcome to Russian Weekly Words with me, Katyusha. Are you ready to find out about some random Russian words? I hope you are, so stay with me, and my tiny iPad. Are you ready for the topic? And the topic will be buildings. Дома (dama) "buildings" "There are many high buildings" or "there are many tall buildings." Там много высоких домов. (Tam mnoga vysokikh damof.) Let’s check out the first word. The first word is… дом (dom) "house”, or “building” дом (dom) If you say Мой дом(Moy dom), it means “my home, my house, my building”. So it's like three in one. дом (dom) Ok, so Мой дом(Moy dom), can mean “my home, my house, my building”. So it's easy to remember, whichever you mean in Russian will be Мой дом(Moy dom). Приходите ко мне домой. (Prikhadite ka mne damoy.) "Come visit my home”, “come visit my house”, “come visit my building." Ok. квартира (kvartira) "apartment" "Which floor is your apartment?" На каком этаже твоя квартира? (Na kakom etazhe tvaya kvartira?) общежитие (apshchezytiye) "dormitory" In Russian it means, like, public living, co-existing together. So обще (abshche) means “common”, belongs to everyone. And so yeah, it's a place where people coexist together. "As a student, I lived in the dormitory." Когда я был студентом, я жил в общежитии. (Kagda ya byl studentam, ya zhyl v apshchezhytii.) небоскреб (nebaskryop) "skyscraper" It's a building that is scraping the sky, basically, in Russian. It's kind of similar meaning, it's like you're scratching the sky, it's that tall, that, like, touching the sky or something, so небоскреб (nebaskryop). небо (neba) is “sky”. "We don't have many skyscrapers in our city." В нашем городе не много небоскребов. (V nashem gorade ne mnoga nebaskryobaf.) So ”in our city we don't have many skyscrapers" В нашем городе не много небоскребов. (V nashem gorade ne mnoga nebaskryobaf.) башня (bashnya) "tower" "The tallest tower in the world is in Japan." Самая высокая башня в мире находится в Японии. (Samaya vysokaya bashnya v mire nakhoditsa v Yaponii.) Actually, sometimes we use this word for somebody who’s, like, calling somebody's head башня (bashnya), maybe because it’s the tallest part, like highest part of your body, so you can call your head башня (bashnya). It’s kind of slang. And next word is… and we're done! Well, thank you for watching me, for the first time or again, and I'll see you again with some other Russian Weekly Words sessions. See you later! Пока-пока! (paka-paka!)