Tutorial Transcript
Hey, guys! Всем привет! (Vsem privet!) It’s me Katya. Welcome to the RussianPod101.com and our new topic, 5 most popular sports. Let’s check it out! Начнем! (Nachnem!) Футбол (Futbol) “Soccer” Он всё детство гонял в футбол с другими мальчишками. (On fsyo detstva ganyal f futbol s drugimi mal'chishkami.) “All his childhood he was hanging out with the other boys playing soccer.” Фигурное катание (Figurnaye kataniye) “Figure skating” Фигурное катание очень популярно в России. (Figurnaye kataniye ochen' papulyarna v Rasii.) “Figure skating is very popular in Russia.” Плавание (Plavaniye) “Swimming” Мой врач сказал, что плавание может помочь, так что я теперь хожу в бассейн. (Moy vrach skazal, shto plavaniye mozhet pamoch, tak shto ya teper' khazhu v baseyn.) “My doctor said that swimming could help, so I go to the pool now.” Бег (Bek) “Running” Я бегаю каждое утро. (Ya begayu kazhdaye utra.) “I do jogging every morning.” Лыжи (Lyzhy) “Skiing” Мы с семьёй всегда ездим кататься на лыжах зимой. (My s sem'yoy fsegda yezdim katatsa na lyzhakh zimoy.) “We always go skiing with my family in the winter.” Hey, guys! It’s me Katya and it was our topic, 5 most popular sports. Did you like it? Don’t forget to comment what’s your favorite sport and could you say it in Russian? Try at home or in front of your friends. Пока-пока! (Paka-paka!) See you!