Tutorial Transcript
Hi everyone, it’s me again Katyusha with you and Top 25 Russian Adjectives. Now let’s begin! страшный Scary Does it look like scary? This movie is so scary Этот фильм очень страшный. I shouldn’t say it with a smile on my face большой Big Big. I love watching Большой балет you know. You cannot say its big ballet. Literally the people who like Ballet, they know that there is a very famous Ballet in Moscow which is called Большой балет . So you can not translate it as big ballet. I have to still say Большой балет okay. Let’s go watch Большой балет. For example, bring me that big basket Принеси мне эту большую корзину. быстрый Fast. быстрый fast and quick. It’s the same. In Russian, it is быстрый Run as fast as you can Беги так быстро, как только можешь. Беги так быстро, как только можешь. Sometimes when the people want to rush you and do something really quick, they can tell you Быстро! Быстро! like quick, quick, fast, fast, move, move you know Быстро! Быстро! Move your legs! медленный slow медленный . Why are you so slow? Почему ты такой медленный? простой Simple. It’s not that simple. Всё не так просто. I like this skirt, it’s very simple. Мне нравится эта юбка, она очень простая. высокий High, tall высокий You are so tall. Ты такой высокий! Or you can say Giraffe is so tall, wow! Жираф такой высокий! главный main. Main menu or it can also use adjective for like meaning that there is a person higher than you like for example, your boss or your manager, executive manager, somebody like that. So you can ask, when you want to ask who is in charge here, you can ask Кто здесь главный? which means who is the main person here I need to talk to like the boss of the boss. So who is in charge? главный. сильный strong I am not that strong. Я не очень сильная. This singer has a very strong voice. У этой певицы очень сильный голос. длинный Long. My nose is too long. Мой нос очень длинный. His hair is quite long. У него довольно длинные волосы. добрый Kind. He was so kind to me. Он был очень добр ко мне. злой mean. Mean…He is so mean or she is so mean. I don’t know why Она такая злая. Я не знают почему. Она очень злая. She is very mean. горячий Hot Hot drinks, hot food or literally things that are hot and you can also use for someone you find somebody hot you know. So I can say she is hot. Wow Она горячая! or you can say Ой! this tea is hot Ой! Этот чай горячий!. In Russia instead of ouch we say Ой! or Ай! Ай! Ой! холодный cold. Winters in Russia are super cold. Русские зимы очень холодные. первый first. Move. I came first. Уйди, я пришел первый. Grannies are queuing in shop for something in a store. They can be arguing who was first and who left the queue and then came back. So they talk about it a lot like oh no, I was first, I was first Нет, я первая! Нет, я первая! It’s funny to watch. First time I saw this movie. Первый раз я посмотрел это кино. плохой bad. Mostly we use it as not so bad. How are you? Not bad Как дела? Не плохо. So bad is плохо or плохой but not bad is Не плохо. Не means not. How was your surgery? Как прошла операция? It was really bad. Очень плохо. известный Famous. известный. She dreams to be famous. Она мечтает быть известной. Famous. Она мечтает стать известной. Her dream is to become famous. последний Latest. Literally последний means last. Something that comes last or something you can use when you haven’t seen your friend for a while. В последний раз, когда я тебя видел, это было зимой. Last time I saw you, it was in winter. Your mom can tell you, last time I talked to you it was two weeks ago. В последний раз, когда я тобой говорила, это было две недели назад. So she is kind of complaining. короткий short. I have short hair У меня короткие волосы. My holiday was too short. Мои выходные были очень короткие Of course you want your holidays to last longer. красивый Beautiful. This picture is so beautiful. Эта фотография такая красивая! сложный Difficult. This task is very difficult. Это задание очень сложное. Hmm for example, you can say, you are reading a book and it’s too difficult for your understanding. So you can say this is so difficult. Это очень сложно. Or this book is too difficult Эта книжка очень сложная. лёгкий The next adjective is light. This conversation is really light. Это разговор очень лёгкий. And it literally means that somebody or something is really light like weight. So for example, this computer is really light. So Этот компьютер очень лёгкий. Or you can use it as a meaning that somebody, it’s easy to talk to someone or easy to communicate. So you can also say light лёгкий. Our conversation started easily which means Наш разговор начался легко.. So it’s without any thinking, just you know natural. хороший good. As I hear Russian people communicate and they say it a lot. When somebody asks them how are you, they say хорошо and then as okay, they can also use хорошо. So every time I want to confirm that yes, I listen to you, I heard what you said and okay, so I can say хорошо, хорошо, хорошо . So we use it a lot. This movie was really good. Этот фильм был очень хороший. Очень хороший фильм. Or Очень хорошая книга. Or Очень хороший кофе. Coffee very good coffee, right. So which means it’s really good, хороший. отдаленный far. There is many other Russian adjectives. They are easily transformed into adverbs. So for example, the far in English doesn’t change but in Russian, the adjective отдаленный can change into adverb. The Russian adjective far can change into adverb which sounds a bit different далеко. So if I use an adjective, I can say this shop is a bit far from my home. Этот магазин отдалёт от моего дома. but if I want to say an adverb, I should say – in English, it doesn’t really change but in Russian, it will sound a bit different. The shop is a bit far from my home. So Магазин далеко от моего дома. Этот магазин немного далеко от моего дома. For this adjective, we mostly use it in adverb. I can see really far Я могу смотреть очень далеко. Я могу видеть очень далеко. Also this adjective you can use if there is a person living with you for example or your best friend but you can see that in his thoughts, he is somewhere not with you. So you can say he is отдален, отдаленный. He is somewhere away from me you know. So you can say, I don’t know why he is really far in his thoughts. Я не знаю почему, но он очень отдалённый от меня. So which means he doesn’t pay attention to who is next to this person. маленький Small. Small. For example, this world is really small. Наш мир очень мал. Наш мир очень маленький. Скучный Boring. So for example, this speech is too boring. Эта речь очень нудная or скучная. Эта речь очень скучная. So yes, you can use instead of Скучный which is boring one more word. It is same meaning but it sounds a bit different and it sounds like that нудный. Скучны, нудный. Basically same meaning. He is so boring. Он такой нудный. Maybe it’s used more for describing people who resemble this character. Bonus: Okay let’s get some extra adjectives for you. Lazy ленивый It’s so easy to be lazy. Так легко быть ленивым. Очень легко быть ленивым. Don’t be lazy! Не ленись! Now next adjective should be: благодарный grateful. I am very grateful. Я очень благодарный/ благодарен. I am very grateful to you Я очень тебе благодарен. I guess that’s it. Top 25 Russian adjectives done. Thank you for staying with me Katyusha. I hope you enjoyed top 25 Russian adjectives and I hope to see you again with me in some extra Russian words and don’t forget to subscribe! пока пока! Top 25 Russian adjectives. The end!