Tutorial Transcript
Wanna speak real French from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at FrenchPod101.com. Hi, everyone, I’m Lindsay from FrenchPod101.com. In this video, we’ll be talking about the the 5 Biggest Festivals in France. Let’s begin! 14 juillet "Bastille Day" Le défilé du 14 juillet se déroule à Paris. "The Bastille Day Parade is held in Paris." We can also call it la fête de la Bastille, or a Fête Nationale. Festival de Cannes "Cannes Film Festival" Beaucoup de célébrités internationales viennent au Festival de Cannes. "Many international celebrities go to the Cannes Film Festival." I have never been but that sounds amazing. Carnaval de Nice "Nice Carnival" Le Carnaval de Nice attire chaque année plus d'un million de visiteurs. "The Nice Carnival attracts over a million people every year." I have never been neither, so please take me. Fête de la Musique "World Music Day" La Fête de La Musique célèbre l'été. "The World Music Day festival celebrates the beginning of summer." So it's actually happening on June 21st. Tour de France J'ai regardé le Tour de France à la télévision. "I watched the Tour de France on TV." This is really good in France, people love it. Okay, that's all for this lesson. Have you ever attended one of these festivals? Let us know in the comments. Don't forget to LIKE, subscribe, and go to FrenchPod101.com for more resources We'll see you next time! À bientôt!