Tutorial Transcript
Welcome back, watchers! Bye! So welcome back, watchers! This week I'm going to talk about must-know expressions for agreeing and disagreeing. Are you ready? C'est vrai. "That's true." Yeah, this is just a simple answer for when something is true. C'est vrai can also be a question if you want to confirm that someone said something or you are really surprised. C'est vrai? "Really?” Yeah, and we just say casually, Oui c'est vrai. Or “did you notice that the sky is blue today?” Tu as remarqué que le ciel était bleu aujourd'hui? Ah c'est vrai! ”Oh! That’s true.” Je crois que oui. "I guess so." "Do you think the concert is going to be at 8pm today? Yeah, I think so." Tu crois que le concert est à huit heures ce soir? Je crois que oui. So this is not a 100% sure answer so you still have to check it, but you are 75 to 80 percent sure it's true. Absolument. "Absolutely." That's when you are 100 percent convinces it’s true or right, or what you are saying. "I think we should go with the blue color for the marketing campaign. Absolutely." Je crois que nous devrions choisir le bleu pour la campagne marketing. Absolument. And not the yellow! It's also a really formal and polite manner to say yes. For example, if you're in a fancy hotel and you say, “oh, is the bar on the first floor?” And they say, absolument, “absolutely”. Qu'en pensez-vous? "What do you think?" "What do you think about this week's lesson? Leave a comment.” Que pensez-vous de la leçon de cette semaine? Laissez-moi un commentaire. “What do you think about the food here?" Que pensez-vous de la nourriture ici? I think it's really good! Yeah, it's totally cool. Peut-être. "Maybe." "Do you think you will be able to come tonight? Maybe." Est-ce que tu penses que tu pourras venir ce soir? Peut-être. That's 50/50 level of sureness. Je ne pense pas. "I don't think so." "Do you think you can finish this task before the day is over? I don't think so." Tu penses que tu pourras finir ce travail avant que la journée soit finie? Je ne pense pas. Bien sûr! "Of course!" "Can I have fries with my chicken? Of course!” Est-ce que je peux avoir des frites avec mon poulet? Bien sûr! Yes! “Mom, can I go out?” Maman, est-ce que je peux sortir? Bien sûr! “Of course!" Just be careful and call mummy when you arrive. J'allais le dire. "I was just going to say that." Or sometimes we use, tu l'as dit, which is "You're right. You said so." Oh my god! Have you seen Betty’s new hair color? It’s terrible. J'allais le dire! "I was just about to say that!" Je crains d'être en désaccord. "I'm afraid I disagree." I don't like black people. I'm afraid I disagree. That's racist, you twat! Je n'aime pas la musique pop. Je crains d'être en désaccord. "I don't like pop music. I'm afraid I disagree." And what kind of music do you like, guys? Leave a comment. Aucun doute là-dessus. "No doubt about it." Here you are a 120% sure it's true, so use it when you are only really sure. "This episode of ‘Weekly Words’ is going to be awesome! No doubt about it.” Cet épisode de "French Weekly Words" va être super bien! Aucun doute là-dessus. Il va signer le contrat, aucun doute là-dessus. “He is going to sign the contract, no doubt about it." So that's about it for this week! Don't forget to check the website FrenchPod101.com for more French lessons, and we'll see you next time! Bye-bye!