Tutorial Transcript
Wanna speak real French from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at FrenchPod101.com. Hi, everyone, welcome back to Top Words, I’m Lindsay from FrenchPod101.com. Today we're going to be talking about tongue twisters. Tongue twisters are called virelangue in French. The first one is ... Seize chaises sèchent. "Sixteen chairs are drying." Tongue twisters are phrases that are difficult to say, so they're a really great way to practice your pronunciation. Yeah, I'm having a hard time with it. Try to repeat them as much as you can. Seize chaises sèchent. I think I got it right. Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches? Archi-sèches! This literally means “Are the archduchess's socks dry? Extremely dry!" Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches? Archi-sèches! This literally means “Are the archduchess's socks dry? Extremely dry!" Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches? Archi-sèches! This tongue twister is probably the most famous and everyone in France knows it, so try to learn it! That is so hard, right? Try to do it! Les chaussettes de l'archiduchesse sont-elles sèches? Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien. It means “A hunter who can hunt should be able to hunt without his dog." This next one is very difficult. Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien. This means “A hunter who can hunt should be able to hunt without his dog." Un chasseur sachant chasser doit savoir chasser sans son chien. Really hard. Suis-je bien chez ce cher Serge? "Am I at dear Serge's place?" Suis-je bien chez ce cher Serge? "Am I at dear Serge's place?" I actually didn't know this one! I’ll try to say it quickly, it's almost impossible! Suis-je bien chez ce cher Serge? Suis-je bien chez ce cher Serge? Suis-je bien chez... See, I cannot even say it! Je veux et j'exige d'exquises excuses. The literal meaning is "I want and demand exquisite apologies." Je veux et j'exige d'exquises excuses. This literal meaning is "I want and demand exquisite apologies." Try repeating it! Je veux et j'exige d'exquises excuses. I did it, right? Okay, that's all for this lesson. Which tongue twister did you like more? Leave us a comment letting us know. And we'll see you next time! À bientôt!