Tutorial Transcript
Welcome back, watchers! This week we're going to talk about 10 Phrases to Amaze Native Speakers. Let’s go! Il m'a fallu un an seulement pour parler couramment. "It took me only one year to become fluent." Il m'a fallu un an seulement pour parler couramment. "It took me only one year to become fluent." I would be really amazed if you told me this in French. J'ai parfaitement compris tout ce que vous avez dit. "I completely understood everything you said." J'ai parfaitement compris tout ce que vous avez dit. "I completely understood everything you said. Nice! Très bien! Very good!" J'apprends le français depuis 10 ans. "I have been learning French for 10 years." J'apprends le français depuis 10 ans. "I have been learning French for 10 years." And it took you only 1 year to be fluent, nice! 10 years is a long way to go, but maybe the time to learn a language properly actually. J'apprends le français par moi-même. "I am learning French all by myself." J'apprends le français par moi-même. "I am learning French all by myself." All by myself, I’m learning French… And now you’re learning French with me. Je parlerai français comme un locuteur natif dans 3 ans. "I'll speak French like a native speaker in 3 years." Je parlerai français comme un locuteur natif dans 3 ans. "I'll speak French like a native speaker in 3 years." Good luck with that! Je peux mémoriser environ 50 nouveaux mots français par jour. "I can memorize around 50 new French words a day." Je peux mémoriser environ 50 nouveaux mots français par jour. "I can memorize around 50 new French words a day." That’s amazing, that’s really amazing. If you told me that in French, I’d be really amazed. Je peux regarder des films français sans sous-titres. "I can watch French movies without subtitles." Je peux regarder des films français sans sous-titres. "I can watch French movies without subtitles. And this is really good! And it’s a really good way to learn as well. So do it whenever you can. You can try by starting to watch Le Fabuleux Destin d'Amélie Poulain, it’s a very famous French movie. Je sais aussi parler quelques autres langues à part le français. "Apart from knowing French, I can speak a few other languages as well." Je sais aussi parler quelques autres langues à part le français. "Apart from knowing French, I can speak another few other languages as well." Good job! I know you can also speak English, that’s already 2 languages. Le français est amusant et facile à apprendre. "French is fun and easy to learn." Le français est amusant et facile à apprendre. "French is fun and easy to learn." Well I’m glad you enjoyed it, and I hope you continue to enjoy the lesson with me as well. Merci, mais en fait je ne suis pas un locuteur natif. "Thank you, but I am not a native speaker actually." Merci, mais en fait je ne suis pas un locuteur natif. "Thank you, but I am not a native speaker actually." Waaa! If someone tells you this it means not only you’re really good at speaking French, and you also have no accent at all. And it’s the end. So don’t forgot to subscribe to learn more French. And what’s the best sentences you can say in French? Amaze me in the comments. And we’ll see you next time, see you guys, and girls, and watchers!