Tutorial Transcript
Hi and welcome to German weekly words. My name is Alisa and let’s start. Today’s lesson is jobs [Arbeit]. And the first word is [Bauer] - “farmer”. Actually where I live, it’s in Germany near Bonn. In our neighborhood, there is actually a farmer who grows Apples and all kinds of different fruits and vegetables. It’s very interesting to see and very pretty. [In meiner Nachbarschaft wohnt ein Bauer und hat viele Apfelplantagen.] - “In my neighborhood, there is a farmer and he has a lot of Apple orchids”. [Büroangestellte] - “Office worker”. [Ein Büroangestellter arbeitet meistens Montag bis Freitag von 8 bis 5. ] - “An office worker usually works from Monday till Friday and from 8 till 5 PM.” The next word [Ingenieur] - “engineer”. In Germany, a lot of people study to become an engineer. A lot of countries are looking for German engineers. That’s what I just know from my friends. [In Aachen gibt es eine sehr berühmte Universität, wo erfolgreiche Ingenieure herkommen.] - “In Aachen there is a very famous university where a lot of great and successful engineers come from.” [Aachen] is a city. It’s very famous because of the three countries that kind of is around [Aachen]. It’s the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. So it’s a very interesting city if you have a chance to go there. [Krankenschwester] nurse. This German word is actually made of two words [krank] means “sick” and [schweste] means “sister”. So I think that’s very easy to understand, kind of a sister, who takes care of you when you are sick. [Eine Krankenschwester ist eine indirekte Assistentin zu einem Arzt.] - “Nurse is indirectly an assistant to a doctor.” In Germany, equality is very important. So of course, men are welcome to become nurses as well and in Germany, you would just say [Krankenschwester] but add like an “m” for [....] for men. Historically, there were a lot of more women I guess as nurses but now, more and more men are becoming nurses. Yeah Germany has still got to find a word for that . [Polizistin] police officer but [Polizistin] is actually the female version and [Polizist] would be the male version. [In Deutschland haben die Polizisten eine grüne und blaue Uniform.] - “In Germany, the police officers have a green and blue uniform.” It used to be like Olive Green, not a very fashionable color I guess. So now everything is changing. It’s becoming – even the cars are blue and the uniforms are blue. If you go to Germany, you will still see some uniforms in like Olive green and in some big cities there more blue now. Thank you for watching the German weekly words. This week’s topic was jobs. If you want, you can leave your favorite word in the comments or just write what kind of job you are doing. Thank you, bye.