Tutorial Transcript
Hello, welcome to German weekly words, my name is Alisa and today’s topic is health concerns. [Husten] - “cought”. This is actually masculine and it is [der Husten]. [Wenn es staubig ist, kriege ich einen Husten.] - “when it gets dusty, I get a cough”. [Übelkeit] - “nausea”. [Übelkeit] it is feminine and it is [die Übelkeit]. [Frauen in der Schwangerschaft haben sehr oft Übelkeit.] - “women who are pregnant have nausea.” [verletzen] - “to injure”. [Als Kind habe ich mich oft beim Inline Skating verletzt.] - “As a child, I got injured a lot while inland skating” actually at the Rhine River, it’s really famous. There is a lot of inland skaters and just skaters working out and I used to go there with my friends to do inland skating and of course I fell and got injured. [Insektenstich]. This one is masculine and it is [der Insektenstich] - “bug bite”. [Beim Campen habe ich sehr viele Insektenstiche gehabt.] - “when I was camping, I had a lot of bug bites” and I just hate it. I hate bugs, I hate bug bites and that’s why I don’t really like camping and I feel like those anti-bug bite sprays don’t work anyways and they just still love me and… [krank] - “sick”. [Wenn ich krank bin, liege ich sehr gerne im Bett, gucke meine Filme und lese Bücher und mache mir eine schöne Zeit.] - when I am sick, I love to do this whole ritual. I am like in bed watching my movies and reading books and having just like good time actually because I am just relaxing and I get spoiled by my mom. I make the best of it. Thank you for watching and I hope to see you soon, bye.