Tutorial Transcript

Everything okay? Are we ready? We're good? We're good! Hi everyone! Hi, hi! It's Damon. And Jo. And Jo! Damon, Jo, and Jo. We're here in Paris with a French Youtuber, So we thought, the perfect video with her would be... D: would be? will be? J J: would be... ... would be to make a video asking her the most [J: difficult, D: impossible] words to pronounce. In English! It's okay, well, there are some little sounds that I have problems pronouncing, like "world" and "girl". D J: Yesss, okay, just wait! That's the video! Starting with the first word: RARE Oh no... "FebUary" is more common. "The weather." No, "weather" is another word. Really? Yes. Weather is la météo. Wither it's like there's a small piece of "lettuce", I don't know, and it's a little old. So it's withering away. You're getting there! PROCHAIN or SUIVANT ? (ways to say next in French) SUIVANT! D: You're an American... J: I believe that it's... No, now we're going to do tongue twisters. This is too easy. It's like a rap. J: And the tongue breaks. The video has changed completely. It's like a rap about rap. Okay, I'm going to try to say it fast. The first one she couldn't do! Oh, no. Not "r r" D: No, this is really hard. J: Can you say it again? D: Yes, of course. Do you know any tongue twisters in French? J: Okay, we're going to stop the video right here. It was absolutely a pleasure. It was fun! D: Thank you for filming this collab with us! JusteJo: And thank you! D: And she made a video also. J: Yes, on my channel. So go watch it! And also, subscribe to her channel and our channel, everyone here! And comment below if there are any English words impossible to pronounce for you French speakers. Because I know we have a lot of "rr" and "th" and ... It's a little strange. Thank you!!! Read- -y? Do you think the American accent is cute? Of course. No, but really. Because of course the French accent is...oh my God. JusteJo: No, I hate it. J: In English?! JusteJo: Yeah. JusteJo: Do you like it? J: Yes, it's cute! It's horrible! J: (in a French accent) "I am happy to be here." D J: AWWW. JusteJo: ...