Tutorial Transcript
wanna speak real Italian from your first lesson sign up for your free lifetime account at Italian pod 101.com ciao welcome to Italian weekly words this is ilaria and today's theme is sports the first sport is Pelican instrum basketball Oh Joe Gatto Pelican is troponin No cuando era una bambina when I was a child I played basketball for one year next word is Vilano badminton actually Valen on yeah of course you can use it but you can also use badminton and people will probably understand you / me in verano los sport peu difficile mundo for me badminton is the most difficult sport in the world actually really I cannot catch them where's the ball can you do it I can't throw simul next one is very popular one the most popular sport in Italy is yes culture football not the American football okay culture is the one where you kick the ball culture a culture a law sport the pupillary in Italian football is the most popular sport in Italy but in our Jo suji Acho ice skating the most beautiful sport in the world adora where Darrell Patton are just gacho solo Pierre occurs to me I love to watch ice skating just for the dresses very short word she skin no no my pratik Arturo she / ke naam epi afraid though I never practice skiing because I don't like cold we've done enough sport for today we can take a rest and see you next time bye bye ciao that right this order taken of all I cut everything you