Tutorial Transcript
Ciao! Welcome to Italian weekly words. This is Ilaria and today’s theme is oh, life events. Let’s see, I am curious. [nascita] - “birth” When I was born. [La nascita del mio terzo nipotino mi ha reso molto felice.] “The birth of my third nephew made me so happy”, which is true. He was born just few days ago. [compleanno] - “birthday” [Quand'è il tuo compleanno?] “When is your birthday?” [Il mio compleanno è il 20 gennaio.] "My birthday is January 20th." [trovare un lavoro] - “to get a job” [Dopo la laurea i ragazzi in Italia faticano a trovare un lavoro.] “After graduating the college, young people in Italy struggle to find the job.” [trasferirsi] - “to move” [Mi sono trasferita in Giappone molti anni fa.] “I moved to Japan many years ago", yes that’s true.” [andare in pensione] - “to retire” Okay, little bit early for me but... [Quando andrò in pensione metterò su una rock band.] “When I will retire, I will make a rock band.” And I will do it one day. We are done, I hope you enjoyed it and please leave a comment and see you next time. [Ciao], bye- bye!