Tutorial Transcript
Ciao! Welcome to Italian weekly words. This is Ilaria. Let’s see today’s theme colors. Colori. The first color is... arancione, orange. L'arancione è un colore molto allegro. Orange is a very happy color. By the way, there is another word for arancione which is arancio which also means orange like the fruit because it’s the same color as the fruit. Next word is... bianco, white. La panna è bianca. Whipped cream is white. Next one... giallo, yellow. Mi piacciono i fiori gialli. I like yellow flowers. nero, black. Io non ho vestiti neri. I don’t have black clothes. Do you? Next color is red, rosso. Rosso, rosso... Rosso è il colore dell'amore. Red is the color of love. Italians are very romantic people. Next one oh it is the end already. I wish there were more colors but I hope you enjoyed it and let me know your favorite color in Italian in the comments. See you next time, bye bye. This one, this one. Pink, rosa. No, no, no.