Tutorial Transcript
hi everybody Candace here welcome to ask a teacher where I answer your most common French questions the question for this lesson is how can I use French slang there are a lot of words you hear in French that you almost never see Wheaton in fact there are many expressions that are unique to spoken French take quoi at the end of a sentence for example quoi in spoken French doesn't just mean what when used at the end of a sentence it's a filler word that adds emphasis if you're talking about something with your friend and she says cinema Lacroix she isn't asking a question in English it would sound something like this is quite normal she's emphasizing how average or usual the situation is a very popular slang word among young people is Jean it can be translated to the filler word like in English for example satish October would be it was like amazing another common word that's used differently in spoken slang is circus ish which means to go separate ways or to split up say you at lunch with some friends and you have another appointment to go to you might say ah I guess to signal the end of the get-together the closest equivalent would be let's get out of here however be careful when you use it because it can come off as a little rude on a similar note just wha means get lost which can be mean or playful so be careful with this one too let's look at some words you're usually only using conversation bulu is literally a job bulu comes from the French verb bulleted which means to work with secrecy its nuance is more of what I do to get by rather than what I do for a living which would be low travel and pretty below or sometimes just a below is a part-time or a job Abuja is the casual world for a book Putin comes from the Dutch book which also means book and as a similar pronunciation France as a strong academic culture and informal discussions over books upon often so many people use bucha in more casual settings instead of live which is the formal way to say book the word boofie means to scarf down food when you're really hungry and not paying attention to your manners it's not an insert though everyone understands the need to buffet sometimes especially after a long hard day of work however because of friends vibrant culinary culture buffet isn't a word you'll come across in polite circles oof is an interjection you'll hear often it means you're relieved after you've done or gone through something crazy you can use it as an adjective to like the roof when you're talking about a crazy situation it must closely translate to that sick or simply that's crazy you can even describe a person as a roof which means someone who's lost is mind oof actually comes from Velo which is a pattern of slang in French we'll talk about that more in another lesson here are a couple more common slang words Chiefy means to dig something or to like something dug means crazy either in a good way or a bad way another one is show verg a slang word which means really an knowing how was it go ahead and try them out at your own risk of course if you have any more questions please leave them in the comments below and I try to answer them I don't Oh see you soon