Tutorial Transcript
hi everybody Candace here welcome to ask a teacher where I'll answer some of your most common French questions the question for this lesson is when do you use the direct object pronouns Lu la and lay versus the indirect object pronouns GUI and laughs sometimes you want to shorten a sentence with a pronoun rather than use the same noun again this is similar to how we use it in English in place of nouns we have already said such as did you see that movie yesterday yes I saw it in French pronouns come right before a verb to simplify a sentence for example if your friend asks you to M su mo do you like this novel instead of we gem sumo yes I like this novel you might say with lamb yes I like it in this case you put the pronoun after the subject sure and before the verb Amy but how do you know which pronoun to use Lula and Leigh are used with nouns that are directly attached to the verb that means you don't need the preposition up for example Amy meaning to like is one of those verbs for Amy we use the L a posthole in the singular because ma begins with a vowel in this case shall M in the plural we would use lay so if you were referring to several novels you'd say jus listen here's another example LaPorta to vet jewel FM the door is open I'm closing it la here refers to labott the door which is feminine here's one in the masculine someone says Luda commercially table the document is on the table your respond journal etapa I can't find it or I don't find it look before 12 refers to the DoCoMo Vienna on the other hand are usually only for people not things verbs that usually andler use the preposition ah the most common example is probably polish for example jus pulusu Vanessa I speak often with my sister becomes repulsive oh here we which would be similar to the English with her refers to masa which would be my sister if you're talking about more than one person you would use love I am talking to my brothers would be supalen affair with the pronoun it will become your pal meaning I am talking to them in the comment form you put the pronoun after the verb with a hyphen that applies to both forms of pronounce so tell them the truth would be deal elevenish another example in the common form is the door is open closets lopata to vet Pamela did you get it not so bad right if you have any more questions please leave them in the comments below and I try to answer them I don't listen you