Tutorial Transcript

Hello everyone! and welcome to lesson number one of the TPRS Russian course Frst, how it all works. I will tell you a very short story in Russian and then I'll ask you easy questions. But remember, the goal here is speed. You need to answer without thinking without analyzing grammar. you need to give the answer immediately it's ok to answer with just one word: yes or no, or you can you can say "I don't know" so let's get started This is a book. It's called Treasure island. Robert Louis Stevenson wrote it. This is a story about pirates. It’s very interesting. Everyone likes this book. Okay. And now let's try the questions. This is a book. Is it a book? Yes. It's a book Is it a book or newspaper? This is a book Here is the newspaper. and this is a book It's called "Treasure island" Is it called "Faust"? No. Not "Faust". It is called "Treasure island". Is it called "Treasure island" or "Harry Potter"? It is called "Treasure island". How? How is it called? "Treasure island". The book is called "Treasure island". Robert Louis Stevenson wrote it. Did Tolkien write it? No. Stevenson wrote it. The author of this book is Stevenson. Who is the author of this book? Stevenson. The author is Stevenson. He wrote this book. This is a story about pirates. Is it a story about pirates? Yes. this is a story about pirates. Is it a story about pirates or about Russia? This story is about pirates. It's not about Russia. It is very interesting. Is it interesting? Of course! It's very interesting. Is it very interesting or not very interesting? It's very interesting. Is it boring? No, on the contary, it's very interesting. Everyone likes this book. Does everyone like this book or magazine? The book. Of course it's not a magazine. It's a book. Everyone likes this book. Noone likes this book? Everyone likes this book. Who likes this book? Everyone. Everyone likes this book. And that was it for today. Thank you very much for watching! Don't forget to visit my website. It's realrussianclub.com You'll find the link below this video. You'll find all the materials there: transcripts, translations, questions, vocabulary and everything. So go there right now. And thank you very much for watching. Subscribe to my channel and be the first one to see when the new lessons are uploaded. Good luck with learning Russian. Bye-bye!