Tutorial Transcript
Hi, guys! Welcome to ItalianPod101.com. My name is Ilaria. Nice to meet you and today we’re going to talk about the must-know expressions for agreeing and disagreeing in Italian. So let’s start! Beh, non sono sicuro. “Well, I’m not sure.” Non sono sicuro is something that you use when, of course, you’re not sure a hundred percent about something. So you can also say non sono sicuro without the beh, you know. Just say just non sono sicuro. Certamente. “Of course.” In English, you say of course. Whereas in Italian, you can use also naturalmente, certamente which are like the same thing more or less. Credo di sì. “I guess so.” Credo di si is when you think that something might be the way that the person is saying, but you’re not sure and in Italian, you say credo di si. Stavo proprio per dirlo. “I was just going to say that.” Stavo proprio per dirlo is more or less like when someone says something very similar to what you are thinking about really, you know. So if the person matched your thought, you can say, stavo proprio per dirlo. Sì, hai ragione. “Yes, you’re right.” It’s definitely like agreeing with someone. Hai ragione means that this person is right in saying what he’s saying according to what you think. So you say, sì, hai ragione which is like “yes, you are right.” Hai torto! “You’re wrong!” Actually, it’s the opposite of hai ragione, you know. There is just the position, you know. You’re on this position and you state that this person, according to what you think, this person is wrong. So you say hai torto “you are wrong”. Non penso sia così. “I don't think so.” Well, when you say non penso sia cosi, it’s more or less like you’re not sure about what the person is actually saying but you’re not like in a way that you want to be agreeing or disagreeing with the person. You just don’t think that the person is just saying something that is true according to you, you know. Forse. “Maybe.” Forse is like you say “I think so”, you know. That might be yeah, might be no, you know. It’s like the middle position and kind of neutral position. Non sono d'accordo. No. “I don't agree. No.” Actually, it’s like you say hai torto. I mean it’s like stating a position, you’re not agreeing with the person or the situation or what is happening or whatever you think that is not right according to what you think. Sono d'accordo. “I agree.” So it’s, of course, the opposite of saying no sono d’accordo Sono d’accordo means that you agree with what the person is actually saying which is why we actually reached the end of our lesson for the must-know expression for agreeing and disagreeing in Italian. Thanks for watching. Please subscribe, watch our channel and give us some tips and insights about what you want to know in our lovely Italian language. We will be always happy to help you in improving your Italian. Thanks very much for watching us guys and see you for our next lesson. Bye-bye! Take care!