Tutorial Transcript
Welcome to Mexican Spanish! Hi, guys! I'm Alex, and welcome to Mexican Top Words! Today we are going to talk about the top six Mexican fairy tales. Our first start… La Virgen de Guadalupe "The Virgin of Guadalupe" So our first fairy tale is la Virgen de Guadalupe, “the Virgin of Guadalupe.” La Virgen María es mejjor conocida como la Virgen de Guadalupe en México. “The Virgin Mary is mainly known as the Virgin of Guadalupe in Mexico.” This story is about a native Mexican saw a vision of the Virgin Mary on top of a hill, she tells him to collect roses and put him in his poncho and take them to a priest. When the man takes the roses to the priest, there is an imprint of the Virgin Mary on his poncho. The priest decides that this is a sign of a miracle and they decide to build a church near the town of Guadalupe in her honor. Yay! El Callejón del beso "The Alley of the Kiss" Fairytale number two. El Callejón del beso, “the Alley of the Kiss.” El Callejón del beso está en Guanajuato. "The Alley of the Kiss is in Guanajuato.” So the story is that there was a girl and her dad did not let her go outside to get a boyfriend, but her boyfriend bought the house right in front of hers, and because they're so close together they could actually kiss from the balcony. The dad found out and when they were making out he killed her, and the boyfriend was so sad that he committed suicide. La Llorona "The crying woman" Story number three. La Llorona, “the crying woman.” My babies! Cada pueblo iene su versión de la Llorona. “Every town has its own version of The Crying woman.“ This is scary story. It's about a woman that gets mad at her children, and she kills him, usually by drowning. And then she goes crazy and drowns herself, and people can hear her crying in the streets, or by the river, or the lake. People say that they hear her crying ¡Ay mis hijos! Which means “Oh My Children!” She is lamenting the loss of her children; some people say because she cannot go to heaven until she finds them. ¡Ay mis hijos! El Alacrán de la Carcel de Durango "The Scorpion of the Prison of Durango" Story number four. El Alacrán de la Carcel de Durango, “the Scorpion of the Prison of Durango.” El Alacrán de la Carcel de Durango crecía con cada víctima que picaba. “The Scorpion of the prison of Durango grew with every victim it stunk.” Story time. Story, story, story time! Let's play! Legend says that there was this prison in Durango, and whoever was put inside one particular cell died during the night and they didn't know why. So one day a prisoner volunteered to go into the cell because there was a deal that whoever figure out what was killing the prisoners would be set free. He got one candle and a set of matches and stayed the night, he discovered that there was a huge scorpion inside the cell that came out when it was very dark. He caught it with his hat and kept it there until morning, and he was set free. El Coco "The Boogeyman" Story number five. El Coco, “the Boogeyman.” El Coco también es conocido como el Cucuy. “The Boogeyman is also known as ‘el Cucuy’.” Yo le decía a mi hermana que el Coco iba a venir por ella. “I would tell my sister that the boogeyman was gonna come for her.” Story time. This story is mainly used by mothers to make their children go to sleep or behave. We even have a lullaby that says that if you don't go to sleep, the boogeyman is going to come and eat you. More recent versions just say that he's going to come and take you away. In the Spanish version, the boogeyman is not a man but a creature that has a big sack, and puts children inside it to eat them. Popocatepetl e Iztaccíhuatl "Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl" Story number six. Popocatepetl e Iztaccíhuatl "Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl" Popocatepetl e Iztaccíhuatl son el Romeo y Julieta de México. “Popocatepetl and Iztaccihuatl are the Mexican Romeo and Juliet.” This is a romantic story about Iztaccíhuatl, an Aztec princess, that is waiting for her boyfriend, Popocatepetl. But a jealous soldier tells her that he died in battle and heartbroken, she dies. When Popocatepetl comes back he finds that she is dead so he takes her body and goes out into a valley. He lays her on the ground and he kneels besides her with a torch; it is said that their bodies became two volcanoes, and Popocatepetl is now the most active volcano in Mexico. Volcano. I can be a better volcano. The end! Volcano! Death! This was top six Mexican fairy tales. My favorite fairy tale is the one about the volcanoes. Let us know which one is your favorite fairy tale. Thank you for watching SpanishPod101.com, don't forget to Like and subscribe. See you around, bye!