Tutorial Transcript

hello everyone i'm here today to show you some exercises that Russian speech-language pathologists have been using for generations and they have helped thousands and thousands of people to learn how to roll Rs stay with me to learn more. number 1: i'm going to show that you're capable of rolling r's and here we're going to need at Q-Tip, simple q-tip if you don't have a Q-tip use your finger just check if your nails are short enough so don't hurt yourself so you start pronouncing D sound very very quickly and not the clear D like in english words Dome Dream Drink know you move your tongue a little bit back just a little bit deeper in your mouth so the D is not clear Then a little bit deeper. Now do it as fast as you can as quickly as you can while doing that you put the Q-tip in the middle of your tongue the opposite side, the bottom of your tongue and you add vibration you're not brushing your tongue, but holding it in one place and just moving it like that one small spot and vibrating have a look here you may need to make long Ddd if you cannot do it with D D D, like this and again add vibration here so you hear the Rolling R sound is coming from there that's the first step to learn how to roll your R's you need to understand three essential points here number one the correct articulation you need to understand where to put your tongue number two you need to stretch your tongue and usually the biggest problem is that your tongue is not stretched enough because while doing a rolled R you put it up in your mouth and usually some people feel pain in the bottom of their tongue and number three you need to learn how to relax your tongue and again for many people especially english-speaking people it's a problem because they use their tongue actively and including R sound you use your town actively it's never relaxed so it might be very difficult to learn how to do it and here you must do exercises everyday it's hard work i'm going to show you a couple of them and then you'll be able to find more so first Tongue stretching exercises you put your tongue behind your front teeth and hold it there and open your mouth like that have a closer look you open your mouth put your tongue behind your teeth and open and close it okay like that 30 seconds will be enough don't push yourself if you feel tired if you feel any pain stop and wait at least for a minute then come back to that exercise another tongue stretching exercise is almost the same you put your tongue behind your upper front teeth again and imagine that you're brushing them with your tongue like that there and back left right left right and try to open your mouth wider so you should feel that stretch there feel how your tongue stretches that we need a tongue relaxation exercise and I call it a "slug" exercise you need to make your tongue unfold from your mouth roll from there from behind your teeth as if you're brushing your teeth like that look here very relaxed very slowly as if you're trying to calm it down to make it soft relax your tongue again 30 seconds maybe minute depends on your tongue it's up to you you feel better what is better for you it's very important to alternate those exercises first tongue stretching then tongue relaxation after you are warmed up enough you go back to the Q-tip exercise and again starting with D you really need to practice maybe you should move your tongue forward maybe a little bit backwards and maybe you should make these movements not this so it's up to you try until you hear the Rolling R sound you may face some problems here and usually it depends on how you're using this object and sometimes you really just need to practice more to understand if it works for you the most important part here is that you need to understand that it's hard work nobody expects to have a six-pack on their belly after the first day in the gym but for some reason people expect to learn how to roll Rs in one day unfortunately no easy way here it's not a one-night success no you need to study rules of the articulation you need to understand what to do and you need practice the most important part is practice at least for one week every day in the morning in the evening if you want to learn more about what to do next after you've learned how to roll R's how to put it inside the word how to start using it actively check out part 2 of this video i'll put the link into description box and you will learn how to solve several problems and how to start using it inside the words that's the most important also you can check out my full step-by-step tutorial with more exercises and more examples and with full explanation of articulation again i'll put the link in the description box of this video. so that was it for today i hope i helped you at least a little bit and the rest is up to you practice practice and practice exercises will help that's it bye bye