Tutorial Transcript

Hello everyone! I'm here again with more exercises from the Russian speech therapists. If you've already learned how to roll your R - congratulations! It's grea!t but unfortunately when it comes to combining this sound with other sounds some problems may wait you on the way. So, problem number one Your R demands too much effort from you you are not relaxed. I mean you are like ... RRR... and you get tired of it. it's not going to work Problem number two: your R is too long. I mean you're doing that - RRRROM, RRROBOT. Nobody speaks like that. You need to make it short and nice. Problem number three: incorrect articulation, wrong articulation. I mean when for just a moment the old R comes in between those two sounds: RRR and maybe some vowel or consonant, I don't know, some other sound. So today we're going to learn how to solve these three problems. Stay with me and let's practice! Problem number one - you're not relaxed. Right now try to make the rolling R sound and put your hend right here. If you feel just a little bit of tension here it's not going to work. It's working when the R is isolated, but when you will try to put it inside the word, you're going to fail. I'm sorry. So you need to make the sound alive you need to make it musical maybe. Because when you use it in speech we use it in different tones and different intonations. And this sound is just dead. How to make it alive? First - songs. Pick up any song you like. For example today we're going to practice with Happy birthday to you, because everyone knows it. and first you seeing it smoothly using only rolled R. Got it? ok. Then you try to make it a little more... I don't know... edgy? staccato. let's try it. You can pick any songs. Pick up your favorite and sing it every day. Songs are great, but you need to add more intonations and more emotions to your rolled R sound. How can you do that? stand in front of the mirror, look at your reflection and try to communicate there. Using only R sound, ok? something like that: ask a question - RRR? - and give an answer - RRR. Well I guess you got the idea. Use your imagination and play any situations using only your R. it will make the sound vibrant, alive, musical. That's what you need. Ok, problem number two: your R is too long RRRROBOT, RRRROT. but no, it's not going to work in real life , nobody speaks like that. So today I'm going to tell you how to make it short. And you know what's going to help us? Wine cork! Yes, absolutely ridiculous, but it's the best way to shorten your R. imagine that this is your tongue. When you're trying to roll your R like this, it's moving like this. And you need something to stop the vibration, to make it shorter. But don't put the wine cork too deep in your mouth. Don't do this, because you will have D sound, DDD we don't need that. We need to keep R. But short. So inhale and try to make a normal R as you do, but with the wine cork in your mouth. Then try with words. First, not words, just R and some vowel like RRA RRRO You need to do it really strongly. Imagine that there is nothing in your mouth. But with wine cork It seems absurd, I know. But actually it's a very difficult exercise. and speech therapists recommend doing it no longer than two minutes per one time and maybe several times per day. but no longer than two minutes remember? because your muscles will get, you know, it's too much tension for them. So the wine cork will help to shorten your R. Problem number three and this one is very common, when the articulation is not perfect. and the rolled R sound is not clear. You hear your old R just for a second there, it may be rrrr or its rr and usually it comes right between that rolled R and a vowel. For example, Rrrrha Rrrrrho it's not correct. And we need to get rid of that old R. How to do that? Don't worry, you can do it very easily. But it will need some time. A week or maybe 10 days of practice, but there's no easy way here unfortunately. So what I want you to do - use that rolled R sound and any vowel and divide them. RRRR AAA, RRR OOO, RRR UU And then time after time you just shorten the distance. Then a little shorter Another problem, especially when you learned rolling R my way, I mean with a Q-tip and started with DDD sound. That D can stay for a long time and it will sound like DRRA DRRO DRRU We don't need that either. So how to get rid of it? You should start practicing exactly from this combination - D and R. And make this D really clear and loud. Then try some words: DRAMA, DRAKA, DRON, DRACULA. Any words. If you learn Spanish, use Spanish words. I teach Russian, so i use Russian words. It's up to you. And after you feel comfort with that D, try to turn it to to T - T T T, TRA TRO And words again: TRAVMA, TRAKTOR, TRADICIA Any words you can remember. Practice as long as you need until you feel comfortable, until you feel that those sounds are different. And finally you will learn how to divide them in real speech. Remember that is very difficult, it's not easy. It's not going to work like poof and you know how to roll R. No it's a real exercise because there are real muscles working. Some of them you never used before, that's why it's very important. Ok that's it,thank you very much for watching and don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you learn the Russian language. See you there, bye-bye!