Tutorial Transcript

Hello everyone and welcome to another video! I receive very positive feedback about my slow Russian videos, so I've decided to add more to that playlist So, every once in a while I'll pick some object and we'll just talk about it without questions. Just practice listening I'll be speaking slowly, describing this object, maybe speaking about some features, some functions I don't know, depends on the object So, you just listen, and if you don't understand something, go to subtitles turn the subtitles on, English or Russian And also in the description box of this video you'll find a full transcript of the Russian speech So, let's begin So, today we're going to talk about this little book Why "little book" and not just "book"? Look at the size It is small It's not big small thin book what else to say about the appearance? the book has a blue cover the blue cover with a title "Oxford Russian Grammar and Verbs" This is a Russian language textbook Actually not a textbook, but a handbook of Russian grammar It (handbook) is in a soft paperback There are books in hardcover, but here it's paperback So, this book, this little book is about the Russian language grammar Lots of text and lots of tables in it And... Is this book good? I want to say "no" I don't like it Why? Because it's very complicated It's very very difficult I'm Russian, and a Russian language teacher, I open it, read these rules, and I don't understand what they wanted to say It's written in a very confusing way And there's no reason for it I mean in this book, grammar rules are made more difficult they're written in a very complex language That's why I don't recommend students (only students) to use this book Teachers? Yes... basically they may, but still... in general, no And that was a short speaking about the book from Oxford And that was it for today, I hope you enjoyed If you have any questions leave them below this video And don't forget that you can join my free Russian language email course just go to realrussianclub.com/subscribe That was it for today, thank you very much for watching, I hope to see you in my next video. Bye-bye