Tutorial Transcript

Hello everyone! here i am again with more exercises from Russian speech therapists. Today we're going to learn how to pronounce this complicated ЫЫЫ sound. Stay with me to learn more. Way number one: everyone knows how to pronounce УУУ sound, so I want you to make this long nice УУУ and while you're doing that try to smile as wide as you can. Do it very slowly, so you can analyze what's going on in your mouth what changes are being made there ok let's give it a try Hear that? ЫЫЫ comes out. It's great, but it's not the only way to do it. Way number two: and here you know what's going to help us? toothbrush! right. because it's very easy to practice when you're brushing your teeth and staying in front of the mirror. The best time. So here I want you to pronounce ИИИ like double E in English, pretty long one. ИИИИ, try it like this. And while you're doing that, I want you to put the toothbrush, the opposite side of it, to your tongue, right in the middle of the opposite side of your tongue. ok I mean right here, look. in the middle. And very slowly doing ИИИ you put it a little bit backwards, a little bit deeper in your mouth. Again, don't do it too strong, you need to feel when exactly ЫЫЫ is coming ok let's give it a try. Sounds ridiculous, but when you play a little bit, when you practice this and practice that you will find the clear sound. If you learned how to make this isolated ЫЫЫ sound, it's not enough, because you won't be able to do it every time in a real speech I mean you know you need to make it just Ы and a very short one. And you need to practice it with consonants So how to do that? first let's go back to the first way. I mean when we tried it from doing that УУУ add consonants. So you really need the air here, ok? have a look add all the consonants you can remember as long as you have enough air And also the same with the second way. When you're doing this long ЫЫЫ, try to break it with adding the consonants. When you feel comfortable with that try to start with those consonants, without making this УУУУЫЫЫ That's what we need. So, I guess that was helpful. There is a step 3 when you need to practice Ы in words and phrases. We call it the "automation of the sound" but i'll make another video about that because first you need to practice with this isolated sound. it's very important to learn how to pronounce it correctly, so spend at least a couple of weeks trying to analyze articulation, trying to hear the right and the wrong of what's coming out of your mouth And that was it for today. Thank you very much for watching. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel if you learn the Russian language. bye-bye!