Tutorial Transcript

Hello everyone and welcome to another lesson of my Russian Cases Trainer Course Today we're using the word МОЛОКО – milk I will put it in different cases and ask you simple questions And remember that you should answer them out loud It will help you to practice the endings of the word in different cases If you're having some troubles understanding me, just use English or Russian subtitles Or if you look at the description box of this video, you'll find the full transcript of Russian speech So, let's begin This is milk Is this milk? Yes, this is milk Is it water? No, it's milk Water is transparent, and milk is white White milk Plenty of milk here In the bottle there's plenty of milk Is there a little milk? No, plenty of milk here not very much, but more than a half Plenty of milk Is it plenty of vodka here ? No, here there's plenty of milk Plenty of what here? Milk. Here, in the bottle there's plenty of milk This milk is 2 days old I bought it two days ago It (milk) is 2 days old Is the milk 5 days old? No, the milk is 2 days old How old is this milk? Two days This milk is 2 days old Pouring... milk into the mug We're pouring milk Are we pouring coke? No, we're pouring milk Are we pouring milk into a bottle? No, it's already in the bottle We're pouring milk into the mug What are we pouring into the mug? Milk. We're pouring milk And now this is tea with milk Tea with milk Is it coffee with milk? No, it's tea with milk Is it tea with honey? No, this is tea with milk What is this tea with? Milk. Tea with milk There's a lot of calcium in milk Is there a lot of calcium in milk? Yes, there's a lot of calcium in milk Is there a lot of iron in milk? No, a lot of calcium in milk Where is a lot of calcium? I mean "in what"? In milk A lot of calcium in milk And that was it for today, I hope you enjoyed And don't forget that you can join my free email course go to realrussianclub.com/subscribe Russian language lessons, tips and tricks, ebooks all that stuff. Again: realrussianclub.com And for today that's it, thank you very much for watching, subscribe to my channel And I hope to see you in my next video. Bye-bye