Tutorial Transcript

Hello everyone! Today we start a new series Russian Cases Trainer because understanding cases is not enough you need to practice them So in each video I will pick one object and put this one object this one word in different cases and you have to answer my simple questions The main rule here – you should answer out loud and give the answer immediately Here we go! This is an apple What is it? This is an apple. Is this a banana? No, it's not a banana, it's an apple Delicious apple What kind of apple is this? Delicious apple Is the apple red or yellow? The apple is yellow Now... I don't have the apple anymore Don't I have a banana? Well, I don't have a banana either but I don't have the apple What don't I have? I have no apple. Ok, here it is And I have a... plastic bag for this apple Is this bag for a banana? No, this bag is for the apple What is this bag for? This bag is for the apple The apple needs this bag Does banana need it? No, the apple needs it Who needs this bag? The apple. The apple needs this bag What does this apple need? This apple needs the plastic bag We put the apple into the plastic bag What do we put into the plastic bag? Right. The apple. We put the apple into the plastic bag Do we put a banana or an apple? The apple We put the apple into the plastic bag My son will eat this apple for lunch Will he eat the apple for lunch? Yes, he will eat this apple for lunch What will he do with this apple? He will eat it for lunch. What will he eat for lunch? This apple. He will eat this apple for lunch And this was a story about the apple Is this story about a banana? No, it's not about a banana This is a story about the apple What is this story about? This story is about the apple About the delicious and yellow apple And that was it. I hope you enjoyed. Thank you very much for watching. See you in my next video! Bye-bye!