Tutorial Transcript
Hello everyone and welcome to another lesson about verbs of motion in Russian. Today we're going to practice the verb ЕХАТЬ with different prefixes. As usual, I will ask you easy questions and you should give quick answers. Let's get started! A man is riding a bike. Is the man drivivg a car? No, the man is riding a bike. Is he riding or walking? He is riding. He is riding a bike. Is he riding a bike or a tractor? He is riding a bike. The man is riding a bike. Who is riding a bike? The man. The man is riding a bike. A car has arrived to the city center. Has the car arrived to the center? Yes, the car has arrived to the center. It has arrived to the center. Has the car arrived to the center or has it left the center? The car has arrived to the center. What has arrived to the center? The car. The car has arrived to the center. Where has the car arrived? To the city center. The car has arrived to the city center. Tourists have come to China. Have the tourists come to China? Yes, the tourists have come to China. Have they come to America? No, they have come to China Where have the tourists come? to China. The tourists have come to China. Who has come to China? Tourists. The tourists have come to China. A bus pulled up to a stop. Did the bus pull up to house? No, it pulled up not to the house. The bus pulled up to a stop. Did the car pull up to the stop? No, the bus pulled up to the stop. Where did the bus pull up? To the bus stop. The bus pulled up to the stop. Did the bus hit the stop? No, it didn't hit it. It pulled up to it. The bus pulled to the stop. The train left the station. Did the train leave the station? Yes, the train left the station. Did the motorcycle leave the station? No, not a motorcycle. The train left the station. Did the train leave or run away by foot? The train left the station. What did it leave? The station. The train left the station. What did leave? The train. The train left the station. The train left the station. And that was it for today. Thank you very much for watching. Don't forget to subscribe to my channel for more Russian lessons.