Tutorial Transcript
Yay! Hi! It's Alisa! Welcome to a new video lesson, 10 lines you need to know for introducing yourself. Let's begin! Mein Name ist Alisa. "My name is Alisa." Mein Name ist Alisa. What is your name?" Was ist dein Name? Hallo, es ist schön Sie kennenlernen. "Hello, it is nice to meet you." Hallo, es ist schön Sie kennenlernen. "Hello, it is nice to meet you." As in English, when you introduce yourself and you meet somebody for the first time, you just add of course, es ist schön Sie kennenlernen, "it is nice to meet you." Eines meines Hobbys ist es mit meinem Hund spazieren zu gehen. "One of my hobbies is to go walk my dog." If you've seen some of my other videos, you know that I have a dog, German shepherd, and I actually love to go on a walk with him and play with his ball, he loves it. What is your hobby? Ich bin ...Jahre alt. "I am ... years old." Ich bin ...Jahre alt. "I am ...years old.” Wie alt bist du? “How old are you?” Ich bin Graphik- und Textildesignerin. "I am a graphic and textile designer." Ich bin is used for many many things it's something you should definitely learn and memorize, because it's for almost everything. Ich bin hungrig, “I’m hungry.” So Ich bin in this case is referred to your profession, so please tell me what do you do. Ich komme aus Deutschland. "I am from Germany." Woher kommst du? "Where are you from?" Leave me in the comments. Ich höre gerne Musik. "I enjoy listening to music." Ich höre gerne Musik. "I enjoy listening to music. What is your favorite kind of music?" Was ist deine Lieblingsmusik? Ich lebe in ..... "I live in ....." Ich lebe in Köln. “I live in Cologne.” I used to live there, now I don’t, but Cologne is a very fun city, if you have a chance, go visit. “Where do you live?" Wo lebst du? Leave in the comments. Ich lerne seit ... Jahren Deutsch. "I have been learning German for ... years." Obviously I grew up talking German. Ich lerne Deutsch auf Germanpod101.com. "I'm learning German at GermanPod101.com." How long have you been learning German with GermanPod101.com? Thank you for watching the top 10 lines you need to know for introducing yourself! Please don't forget to subscribe, and leave me in the comments, what was your favorite line? Bye! Back to the basics. Mein Name ist Alisa. "My name is Alisa." So that is a very important sentence you need to know. OK that was so not funny.