Tutorial Transcript
hi everybody melissa here welcome to us a teacher will answer some of your most common spanish questions the question for this lesson is what are reflexive verbs and how do you use them before we get into pronouns let's cover the basics every sentence has a subject and an object for example in the sentence yo complain but I was which means I bought an umbrella joke which is I is the subject and una FATA was which is an umbrella is the object with some sentences the subject of the object are the same this is when you use reflexive verbs which are verbs use with reflexive pronouns some common examples are levar say literally meaning to wash oneself did he say meaning to address oneself to a co-star say meaning to put oneself to bed and they still say meaning to dress oneself these are all reflexive verbs they all have the pronounced a attached to the birth and they generally mean that the action described by a lever is working on the subject itself the reflexive pronouns are me with yo for myself take with - for yourself informal say with el area who stayed for himself/herself on yourself formal respectively not with nosotros for ourselves and also we've also tros for yourselves informal say we add your selya's for themselves and we do stannis for yourselves formal let's go through some examples so you can learn how to use a Spanish reflexive verbs correctly first up yo voy accosted me literally I'm going to put myself to bed if you and your family get up early in the morning you would say nosotros NOS levin davos Tempranillo Banyana literally we wake up ourselves early in the morning you see me you can say yo me compliment Evo which literally means I buy a book for to myself using tape to tech impressively bro meaning you buy a book for to yourself you sing sing and second from liberal meaning he buys a book for took himself and so on notice that since these words use reflexive pronouns they're objects usually lack the possessive adjectives that appear in English for example and syllable as modest means he washes his hands however if you translated it word for word it could sound like he washes the hands to himself this also goes further phrases like and saliva pelo he washes his her and says APD a los dientes for he brushes his teeth you can also use reflexive pronouns with emotions to make them stronger for example if you made your mother hungry you would say oh yeah same photo I think she became angry no that will reflexive pronouns you conjugate the verb according to the subject if it were your father or your uncle who were angry you could write and you same father they became angry how has this lesson pretty interesting right do you have any more questions please leave them in the comments below I'll try to answer them see you later salut