Tutorial Transcript
Chao! This is Ilaria and welcome to Italian holiday words. Today’s theme is Immaculate Conception. This is a religious festivity and it’s on December 8th. Let’s go to the first word. [Immacolata Concezione] “Immaculate Conception”. According to the teaching of Catholic Church, the Virgin Mary was born free from the original sin. That’s the Immaculate Conception. [L'Immacolata Concezione viene celebrata l'8 dicembre.] Immaculate Conception is celebrated on December 8th. [Vergine Maria] “Virgin Mary" She is the absolute protagonist of this festivity. [In chiesa hanno posizionato una nuova statua della Vergine Maria.] In Church, they placed a new statue of the Virgin Mary. [Albero di Natale] - “Christmas tree”. Yes even if it’s only the 8th, December 8th this is the day where Italian people or most of them will start to decorate their own Christmas tree. [Quest'anno decorerò l'albero di Natale con delle decorazioni rosa e blu.] This year, I will decorate my Christmas tree with pink and blue decorations. [periodo natalizio] - “Christmas period”. The Immaculate Conceptions just starts to Christmas period. So you will start to see all decorations in the city and in the house and at people’s houses. So it’s just the beginning of the Christmas period. [Durante il periodo natalizio, andrò in un'isola tropicale.] “During Christmas period, I will go to a Tropical Island” I wish I could. [dolci tradizionali] - “Traditional sweets” [Ogni regione italiana ha il suo dolce tradizionale per l'Immacolata Concezione.] “Each Italian region has its own traditional sweet for Immaculate Conception”. One of the sweets for Immaculate Conception is called pettola and it’s from Culla one of the Southern Italian regions and basically it’s kind of a donut – fried donut with sugar. We are done for today, abbiamo finito! I hope you enjoyed today’s episode. See you next time, don’t forget to check the sites and chao-chao! Chao!