Tutorial Transcript
Welcome to weekly words. My name is Alex and I don’t know the theme or the words that I have to talk to you about. So let’s get started. Being sick: gripe flu Me veo muy desagradable cuando tengo gripe. I look really disgusting when I have the flu. tos cough I want to cough *coughing* Me molesta la garganta tener tos. It annoys me – no my throat hurts when I have a cough . vomitar to vomit Viajar largas distancias me hace vomitar. Traveling long distances makes me vomit, it’s not lie. estornudo sneeze So estornudo can be used as a noun or as a verb. El estornudo de mi perro me despertó. the sneeze of my dog woke me up. I have a huge German shepherd. resaca hangover Ir a clases con una resaca es lo peor. Going to class with a hangover is the worst. So this is it. The theme was being sick. So I will see you next time, bye.