Tutorial Transcript
Hi everybody, welcome to weekly words. My name is Alex. I don’t know the theme we are going to talk about. So let’s find out. The theme is currency exchange. So I am going to give you a few words related to this. The first one is: banco, bank. Yo nunca asaltaría un banco. I would never rob a bank. Maybe, or have I? cambiar, to convert. Voy a cambiar mis dólares por pesos. I am going to convert my dollars for pesos. dinero, money. Quisiera tener una montaña de dinero. I would like to have a mountain made of money, yes. efectivo, cash. Me gusta como huele el efectivo. I like the smell of cash. moneda, coin. Siempre traigo mi moneda de la suerte. I always carry my lucky coin. Well this is it and thank you for stopping by. See you next time.