Tutorial Transcript

Hi everyone and welcome back to my channel! In today's video we continue our journey into the magical world of Italian colloquialisms! What is a colloquialism? A colloquialism is a word or an expression that is used in spontaneous everyday conversation, so this is the main feature of the words and phrases that we see in this series of videos, it is not a controlled speech, but it is an absolutely spontaneous and familiar speech. So, you have to keep in mind what the context of use is. So, today we'll focus on the use of "tizio" /"tizia" [guy/girl] and "tipo" / "tipa" [guy/girl]. Let's see what is the context of use: the first phrase is this: "Luigi è un ragazzo strano." We're going to substitute these two words. Here too: "Sara è una ragazza strana." So, in this case we know Luigi and we know Sara, so our choice will fall on "tipo" [guy] and "tipa" [girl]. So "guy" and "girl" mean "boy" and "girl" and we use them to refer to people that we know. For example: Sara's guy, that is, Sara's boyfriend, is nice. Or Luigi's girl is nice, that is, his girlfriend. So "guy" and "girl" always replace "boy" and "girl" and we use them to talk about people we know. We can also replace "strange" and say "weird", which means "extravagant", "over the top". In these two examples, however... "Un uomo ti cercava al telefono." "Una donna ti cercava al telefono." Here, we're going to substitute "man" and "woman" In this case, we know neither the man nor the woman, they are a man and a woman never seen, never known. So, in this case we would say "a guy was looking for you on the phone", for the female "a girl who was looking for on the phone". Same thing when I say, "I was walking on the street and a guy stumbled", I don't know that man and so I say a "guy". Same thing if it was female, "I was walking on the street and a girl stumbled in front of me", I don't know that woman and therefore I say "girl". Obviously it is, as I said before, very spontaneous, informal, and familiar language. So, for example, in the workplace maybe I would avoid referring to people I don't know with "guy" and "girl" because it would be out of place. I am sure that you have already seen and heard these words in movies and TV shows, And so I hope this explanation today can be useful to you in some way, to make more sense of the conversations you hear or have heard. Today's explanation has actually come to an end. I didn't want to make a list too long of colloquialisms for today. I wanted, above all, to concentrate on this four words. After having seen this lesson, if you have more time to dedicate to the Italian language, I suggest you go to look at also the other videos of the series, because I am noticing that you like them a lot and so I will continue to make them! If you have any questions, of course, don't hesitate to leave them in the comments here below. If you also have another second of time, subscribe to my channel if you have not already done so, so that you will be notified when a new video comes out, a new lesson. Thanks a lot again for watching today's lesson and we'll see you in the next one. See you soon, bye!