French Lesson (26) - Talking About The Weather In French Review: Seasons And Months A1 by: Learn French with Alicia Tue 5th Feb 2019 376 Tutorial Transcript No transcript available. 63 You Might Also Like: Deleted video French Adverbs 100 Useful French Adjectives French Adjectives French adjectives: BEFORE or AFTER the noun? French Adjectives French Verbs with "DE" and "À" French Verbs 100 Really Useful French Verbs French Verbs This is how you learn French in 12 months! Fun lingoni FRENCH (11) - Est-ce que ? - A1 French Lessons A1 lingoni FRENCH (38) - Les liaisons - A2 French Lessons A2 lingoni FRENCH (2) - Passé composé - A2 French Lessons A2 Listening Comprehension - Noël Zéro Déchet - A2/B1 French Listening A2/B1 Listening Comprehension - Noël - B1 French Listening B1/B2 lingoni FRENCH (13) - Discours indirect : au passé - B1 French Lessons B1 lingoni FRENCH (46) - Aimer VS Adorer - A2/B1 Whats the Difference Between...? How to... Say "Have fun!" in French? - A1 How to say... in French? How to... Say "Have a good trip!" in French? - A1 How to say... in French? How to... Say "Nice to Meet You!" in French? - A2 How to say... in French? How to... Say "Happy New Year!" in French? - A1 How to say... in French? How to... Say "Cheers" in French? - A1 How to say... in French? How to... Say "To Play" in French? - A2/B1 How to say... in French? How to... Say "Youre welcome" in French? - A1 How to say... in French? How to... Say "Bless you" in French? - A1 How to say... in French? Search Search for free French language lessons. We have thousands of lessons for you to watch, listen and learn. French Lessons A1 French Lesson (1) 15 Words for ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS A1 French Lesson (2) Masculine or Feminine?! A1 French Lesson (3) Bonjour! A1 French Lesson (4) The ABC A1 French Lesson (5) The French r A1 French Lesson (6) The Days of the Week A1 French Lesson (7) Regular Verbs er A1 French Lesson (8) I like/love/adore/hate A1 French Lesson (9) Numbers from 120 A1 French Lesson (10) Pourquoi? Parce que... Pour A1 French Lesson (11) Asking Questions A1 French Lesson (12) Present Continuous A1 French Lesson (13) toujours jamais parfois souvent A1 French Lesson (14) Talking about Your Daily Life A1 French Lesson (15) Telling Time A1 French Lesson (16) Regular Verbs ir A1 French Lesson (17) Useful Phrases for Beginners A1 French Lesson (18) Family Members A1 French Lesson (19) Shops A1 (20) Où est Asking for and Giving Directions A1 French Lesson (21) Body Parts A1 Seasons and Months A1 French Lesson (24) Clothes A1 French Lesson (25) Food A1 French Lesson (26) Talking about the Weather in French Review: Seasons and Months A1 French Lesson (27) Rooms in a House A1 French Lesson (28) Verbs of the 3rd Group A1 French Lesson (29) Impératif A1 French Lesson (30) Pronoms toniques moi toi lui A1 French Lesson (31) Conditionnel de Politesse A1 French Lesson (32) Articles Partitifs (du, de l, de) A1 French Lesson (33) Larticle zéro A1 French Lesson (34) Interrogative Pronouns Qui Quel Quand Quoi A1 French Lesson (35) Position of Adjectives A1 French Lesson (37) Articles indéfinis (un, une, des) A1 French Lesson (38) Le complément du nom de A1 French Lesson (40) il y a A1 French Lesson (41) il fait il y a il neige il pleut the verb "faire" A1 French Lesson (42) mais ou où alors donc A1 French Lesson (43) Expressions avoir être faire A1 French Lesson (44) Numbers Date Time A1 French Lesson (45) voici voilà il y a cest il est A1 French Lesson (47) Futur Proche vs. Futur Simple A1 French Lesson (48) Passé récent Je viens de... A1 15 words for Absolute Beginners View All Email Me! Email Me! when new french lessons are uploaded. Learn French with Alicia language lessons are a great way to learn French and best of all they are free! Every week we will email you the latest language lessons to watch, listen and learn. Follow