Tutorial Transcript
Hi, everybody! Welcome! Today, our topic is 10 phrases for bad students. Actually, I think there is no bad student, just bad behaviors. Are you a bad student? 上课睡觉 (shàngkè shuìjiào) “sleeping in class” Oh wow, this one is so common. Maybe you have two kind of sleep in the class; one is you try to sleep like…, but I don’t think it’s that serious. The second is, oh, I’m so sleepy…. Maybe, your teacher will come here to ask - 你为什么上课睡觉? (Nǐ wèishéme shàngkè shuìjiào?) “Why are you sleeping in the class?” You can answer that - 啊,我昨天晚上写作业太晚了。 (A, wǒ zuótiān wǎnshàng xiě zuòyè tài wǎnle.) “I did my homework until the midnight.” 不写作业 (bù xiě zuòyè) “not do homework” 如果你不写作业就没有学分。 (Rúguǒ nǐ bù xiě zuòyè jiù méiyǒu xuéfēn.) “If you don't do the homework, you will not get the credit.” So please, please, do your homework and hand it to your teacher on time. 懒 (lǎn) “lazy” 起床晚,代表懒。 (Qǐchuáng wǎn, dàibiǎo lǎn.) Actually, it means “If you get up late, it means you are lazy.” 挂科 (guà kē) “fail a class” 如果你挂科了,你可以补考。 (Rúguǒ nǐ guà kē le, nǐ kěyǐ bǔkǎo.) “If you fail a class, you can do a makeup examination.” You still have the chance. 旷课 (kuàngkè) “skip class” 你上节课旷课去哪了? (Nǐ shàng jié kè kuàngkè qù nǎ le?) “Where did you go when you were skipping the class?” 考试作弊 (kǎoshì zuòbì) “cheat on a test” 考试作弊会有什么后果? (Kǎoshì zuòbì huì yǒu shénme hòuguǒ?) “What are the consequences of cheating on a test?” I will tell you, for the first time, you will get a 警告 (jǐnggào) “warning”. When you do it the second time, you will get a demerit 记过 (jìguò). 在你的学记上记过。 (Zài nǐ de xué jì shàng jìguò.) When you do it the third time, you will be expelled by the university or any other school 开除 (kāichú) 被学校开除 (Bèi xuéxiào kāichú). Oh no! 不尊敬老师 (bù zūnjìng lǎoshī) “disrespect teachers” 不尊敬老师是很严重的问题。 (Bù zūnjìng lǎoshī shì hěn yánzhòng de wèntí.) “Disrespecting teachers is a serious problem.” 上课说话 (shàngkè shuōhuà) “chat in the class” Your teacher will say this - 肃静!肃静! (Sùjìng! Sùjìng!). That means “Order, order!” 动手打架 (dòngshǒu dǎjià) “start a fight” You want a fight? 动手打架是不对的。 (Dòngshǒu dǎjià shì bùduì de.) “To start a fight is not right.” And we have a slang like - 君子动口不动手。 (Jūnzǐ dòng kǒu bù dòngshǒu.) “A gentleman will use his tongue (mouth) instead of his fist.” 欺负同学 (qīfù tóngxué) “bully classmates” 我常常被人欺负。 (Wǒ chángcháng bèi rén qīfù.) “I always get bullied.” Tell me which one you are; the one always bullied by others or always bullying someone. Okay guys, today, we learned 10 phrases for bad students, some bad behavior. Now, I have a question, how many behaviors you have done before? Actually, I did some of them. I feel so guilty now so please don’t do that. Okay, that’s all for today. As always, don’t forget to subscribe and to give me some like. Thank you! See you next time. Bye-bye!