Tutorial Transcript
Hi, everybody! My name is Rui. Welcome to ChineseClass101.com. Today, we’re going to cover 10 phrases to use when you are angry. Okay, let’s get started! 这不关你的事。 (Zhè bù guān nǐ de shì.) “It’s none of your business.” I guess everywhere, you will meet somebody who likes spying on your privacy, in China too. So if you’re annoyed, but sometimes, I think in China, it’s a little different. Some people just want to show concern for you especially if they know you are a foreigner. So they may care you a little too much so don’t feel so offended easily and if you feel really uncomfortable, you can say - 这不关你的事。(Zhè bù guān nǐ de shì.) “It’s none of your business.”, 这不关你的事。 (Zhè bù guān nǐ de shì.) 闭嘴。 (Bì zuǐ.) “Shut up.” This one comparing to the last one, it’s a little strong. I don’t use this so often unless I’m in a fight with my boyfriend because I couldn’t use it with my parents or even my friends or my colleague when we have some disagreement, I don’t use it. It’s a little too rude and strong 闭嘴。 (Bì zuǐ.)... yeah. I only use it with my boyfriend. Sorry! 别管我. (Bié guǎn wǒ.) “Leave me alone.” I use this one much more than 闭嘴(bì zuǐ), 别管我 (bié guǎn wǒ). For example, when my parents are always concerned - Have you find a job yet? How about you and your boyfriend, when are you gonna get married? Like did you eat yet? Have you eaten yet? Have you had your breakfast yet? Have you had breakfast every day like I will say - ah, 别管我. (Bié guǎn wǒ.) 别管我。烦死了 (Bié guǎn wǒ. Fán sǐle.) It’s annoying! 别管我. (Bié guǎn wǒ.) But if I say, “Shut up!”, that’s like...hmm, too disrespectful. Yeah, leave me alone is a little strong, but not so as disrespectful as, “Shut up.” 闭嘴。 (Bì zuǐ.). Shut up is rude. 你在跟我开玩笑吗? (Nǐ zài gēn wǒ kāiwánxiào ma?) “Are you kidding me?” You use this sentence in a context that when your friend give you some silly, impractical suggestion to your problem like, “Are you kidding me?” 你在跟我开玩笑吗?(Nǐ zài gēn wǒ kāiwánxiào ma?) How come you gave me such a suggestion which I cannot use? Yeah. 随便。 (Suíbiàn.) “Whatever.” “Whatever.” 随便。 (Suíbiàn.) When you get annoyed when somebody is telling you something which doesn’t interest you at all like your friend is bragging about his business, about his achievements, about how much savings he has, whatever, it’s none of my business. 这不关我的事 (Zhè bù guān wǒ de shi.) 随便。(Suíbiàn.) It’s like that. “Whatever.” 随便。(Suíbiàn.) Or you can use it, for example, if I ask my friend to go to dinner, “Hey what do you want? What are you in the mood for, for tonight’s dinner?” So you can say - oh whatever, 随便 (suíbiàn), whatever is good for me. So it doesn’t necessarily mean you’re angry. It just means you don’t care for the food tonight, whatever is good for me tonight, 随便 (suíbiàn). 少来这一套。 (Shǎo lái zhè yī tào.) “Cut it out.” If I made my parents mad, especially my mom, I will give my mom a puppy eyes, “Mom sorry…” and I will pretend to cry and I feel very guilty. I know I’m wrong and I want my mom to stop being mad at me so I always play this trick to get the sympathy from my mom. So my mom will say - hey, 少来这一套 (shǎo lái zhè yī tào), I already know what you’re doing. You’re just pretending to be guilty. Yeah, it’s like “cut it out” 少来这一套 (shǎo lái zhè yī tào), I’ve already known that, your trick. Yeah, this is your trick. You don’t even feel sorry from the bottom of your heart. Yeah, 少来这一套 (shǎo lái zhè yītào) “cut it out”. 我不想和你说话。 (Wǒ bùxiǎng hé nǐ shuōhuà.) “I don’t want to talk to you.” 我不想 (Wǒ bùxiǎng) means “I don’t want to”. “I want to” means 我想 (wǒ xiǎng). “Want” is 想 (xiǎng). “I want to” 我想 (Wǒ xiǎng), “I don’t want to” 我不想 (Wǒ bùxiǎng). So when you get angry, at least for me when I get angry or get annoyed, get upset, I don’t want to talk to everybody, I don’t want to talk to anybody. So if somebody again wants to talk to me, I will say, oh I’m sorry, 我不想和你说话,抱歉。 (Wǒ bùxiǎng hé nǐ shuōhuà, bàoqiàn.) “I’m not in the mood for talking with you. I’m sorry.” So it’s not actually...it’s not necessarily very disrespectful. It’s just telling your friend you’re not in mood for talking, 我不想和你说话。(Wǒ bùxiǎng hé nǐ shuōhuà.) I don’t feel well. 我心烦意乱。 (Wǒ xīnfán yì luàn.) “I'm upset.” 心烦意乱 (Xīnfán yì luàn) is a literal language. We do not really use this so often. For the spoken version, for the spoken Chinese, we may say - 我很心烦。(Wǒ hěn xīnfán.), 我心烦。(Wǒ xīnfán). That’s pretty enough for expressing your upset mood. Yeah, I feel upset, 我很心烦。(Wǒ hěn xīnfán.) 我心烦。(Wǒ xīnfán) 我很心烦。(Wǒ hěn xīnfán.) I think 我很心烦。 (Wǒ hěn xīnfán.), I feel upset, I’m upset. 那又怎样? (Nà yòu zěnyàng?) “So what?” This sounds like a bad kid who doesn’t care about his academic record when you encourage him to study hard. It’s like, hey, you should study hard; otherwise, you cannot find a job. Hey, you should study hard; otherwise, you cannot pass this class, and the bad kid will say - hey, so what? If I don’t pass this class, so what? 那又怎样? (Nà yòu zěnyàng?) 如果我考试不及格 (Rúguǒ wó kǎoshi bù jígé...), 不及格(bù jígé) is “fail the class”. 不合格 (bù hégé), 不及格 (bù jígé), “So what?” 那又怎样? (Nà yòu zěnyàng?). It’s like, hey, whatever, I don’t care, 那又怎样?(Nà yòu zěnyàng?) 你以为你是谁? (Nǐ yǐwéi nǐ shì shéí?) “Who do you think you are?” So like in a company, if you work, you have many colleagues. When you have a fight with your colleague and your colleague is trying to correct what you should do and your way of doing things is not good, if you feel annoyed and you feel your way is better than him and you can say - “Who do you think you are? You’re not my boss. You’re not my supervisor. Why do you talk to me in that tone?” 你以为你是谁? (Nǐ yǐwéi nǐ shì shéí?). It means like, “You’re not my boss.” Thank you for watching today’s ChineseClass101.com class. Let us know how will you express your anger when you’re fighting with somebody and don’t forget to subscribe to our channel and I will see you next time. Bye!