Tutorial Transcript
Want to speak real Chinese from your first lesson? Sign up for your free lifetime account at ChineseClass101.com. Welcome to Chinese words. My name is Rui. Today we are going to talk about 20 Words You'll Need for the Beach. 岛 (dǎo) “island” 岛 (dǎo) “island” 《荒岛余生》电影里汤姆汉克斯扮演了一个在荒岛 (“Huāng dǎo yúshēng” diànyǐng lǐ tāng mǔ hàn kè sī bànyǎnle yīgè zài huāng dǎo 上流浪多年的人。 shàng liúlàng duōnián de rén.) “Tom Hanks' character in Cast Away is about a guy's doc on a deserted island for years.” 游泳圈 (yóuyǒng quān) “floatee” 游泳圈 (yóuyǒng quān) “floatee” 如果你不会游泳,你需要用游泳圈 (Rúguǒ nǐ bù huì yóuyǒng, nǐ xūyào yòng yóuyǒng quān.) “If you can't swim, you should use a floatee.” 墨镜 (mòjìng) "sunglasses" 墨镜 mòjìng) "sunglasses" 你戴上墨镜简直像个明星。 (Nǐ dài shàng mòjìng jiǎnzhí xiàng ge míngxīng.) "You almost look like a superstar when you put on your sunglasses." 海滩 (hǎitān) "beach" 海滩 (hǎitān) "beach" 今天海滩上人不多。 (Jīntiān hǎitān shàng rén bù duō.) "Today there are not many people on the beach." It doesn't happen often in China. 游泳 (yóuyǒng) "swimming" 游泳 (yóuyǒng) "swimming" 我喜欢游泳。 (Wǒ xǐhuān yóuyǒng.) “I like swimming” 太阳 (tàiyáng) "sun" 太阳 (tàiyáng) "sun" 今天太阳好大,不想出门。 (Jīntiān tàiyáng hào dà, bùxiǎng chūmén.) “Today is so sunny; I do not wanna go out.” 贝壳 (bèiké) "seashell" 贝壳 (bèiké) "seashell" 我小时候常在沙滩上捡贝壳。 (Wǒ xiǎo shíhou cháng zài shātān shàng jiǎn bèiké.) "When I was little, I used to pick up shells on the beach all the time." 泳装 (yǒngzhuāng) "swimsuit" 泳装 (yǒngzhuāng) "swimsuit" 去海边度假一定要带上泳装哦。 (Qù hǎibiān dùjià yídìng yào dàishàng yǒngzhuāng o.) "You should bring your swimsuits when having a vacation on the beach." 救生员 (jiùshēng yuán) "lifeguard" 救生员 (jiùshēng yuán) "lifeguard" 穿橙色上衣的就是救生员。 (Chuān chénsè shàngyī de jiùshì jiùshēng yuán.) "The ones in orange shirts are lifeguards." Lifeguards in Japan, in America; they wear white and red but in China, they wear orange. 摩托艇 (mótuō tǐng) "jet ski" 摩托艇 (mótuō tǐng) "jet ski" 我想试试坐摩托艇,你要来吗? (Wǒ xiǎng shì shì zuò mótuō tǐng, nǐ yào lái ma?) "I'd like to try the jet ski. Do you wanna come?" 帽子 (màozi) "hat" 帽子 (màozi) "hat" 她的帽子遮住了半张脸。 (Tā de màozi zhē zhùle bàn zhāng liǎn.) "Her hat covered half of her face." In China, usually Chinese girls do not want to get sunburn. Do not want to get dark skin so they usually so try every means to prevents themselves from sun. Hats, sun glass and the scarf, anything. 沙滩椅 (shātān yǐ) "beach chair" 沙滩椅 (shātān yǐ) "beach chair" 这些沙滩椅是可以出租的吗? (Zhèxiē shātān yǐ shì kěyǐ chūzū de ma?) "Are these beach chairs available for rent?" 沙堡 (shā bǎo) "sand castle" 沙堡 (shā bǎo) "sand castle" 沙滩上有几个小朋友在堆沙堡。 (Shātān shàng yǒu jǐ ge xiǎopéngyou zài duī shā bǎo.) "There are a few kids making sand castles on the beach." 冰饮料 (bīng yǐnliào) "cold drinks" 冰饮料 (bīng yǐnliào) "cold drinks" 吹吹海风,再来点冰饮料,是多么惬意啊。 (Chuī chuī hǎifēng, zài lái diǎn bīng yǐnliào, shì duōme qièyì a.) "It's so relaxing to enjoy the ocean breeze and a few cold drinks." 海浪 (hǎilàng) "waves" 海浪 (hǎilàng) "waves" 我就想坐在海边,看着海浪拍打在沙滩上。 (Wǒ jiù xiǎng zuò zài hǎibiān, kànzhe hǎilàng pāidǎ zài shātān shàng.) "All I wanted is to sit by the ocean and watch the waves hitting the beach." 自拍 (zìpāi) "selfie" 自拍 (zìpāi) "selfie" 我们来张自拍吧。 (Wǒmen lái zhāng zìpāi ba.) "Let's take a selfie." Selfie! 人字拖 (rén zì tuō) "flip-flop" 人字拖 (rén zì tuō) "flip-flop" 我要去商店买双人字拖。 (Wǒ yào qù shāngdiàn mǎi shuāng rén zì tuō.) "I need to get a pair of flip-flops at the store." 防晒霜 (fángshài shuāng) "sunscreen" 防晒霜 (fángshài shuāng) "sunscreen" 去海边别忘了涂防晒霜哦 (Qù hǎibiān bié wàngle tú fángshài shuāng o.) “Don't forget to put on sunscreen when you go to the beach.” 比基尼 (bǐ jī ní) "bikini" 比基尼 (bǐ jī ní) "bikini" 这件比基尼很适合你。 (Zhè jiàn bǐ jī ní hěn shìhé nǐ.) "This bikini suits you well." So, originally bikinis stands for an island. They gave the name to the swimsuit after the island, interesting right? 晒伤 (shài shāng) "sunburnt 晒伤 (shài shāng) "sunburnt 你不涂防晒霜很容易晒伤的。 (Nǐ bù tú fángshài shuāng hěn róngyì shài shāng de.) "If you don't use any sunscreen, it's very easy for you to get sunburnt." Thank you so much watching today's Top Words. Let us know what you like doing on the beach in the comments below. I'll see you next time. Bye!