Tutorial Transcript

hey guys and welcome back to my channel Ciao ragazzi e ragazze! Bentornati nel mio canale today I'm going to do a video about differences between Italian and English in fact as you can see from the title it's called Italian vs English like expressions used to express feelings Ok, let me explain better! In certain expressions in English you use for example the verb to be while in Italian, to express the same idea, you have to use the verb "to have". For example I am 21 years old in Italian Io ho 21 anni, so in English you express your age using the verb to be while in Italian you use the verb to have. That's the kind of video I'm going to do today so am going to teach you all these expressions that have to do with feelings that in English need the verb to be while in Italian they need the verb to have. I hope that's all clear and let's get started all the examples I came up with are related to feelings like feelings and needs more than needs more than feeling I think.. For example I am hungry I'm thirsty I'm hot I'm cold I'm sleepy I'm afraid so these are 6 examples that I came up with and that I'm going I want to teach you because these are very very very very used sentences in everyday language both in English and in Italian so I thought it would be important to teach you these sentences and I thought also it would be interesting to do a comparative video about this topic because it's very frequent to make mistakes using these sentences because you think oh! in English you have to use the verb to be that could be the same in Italian! But it's not A very long intro! Anyway... So: I am hungry in Italian is Io ho fame so you have to use the verb to have Io ho fame you absolutely cannot say Io sono fame because it doesn't make sense Io ho fame I am thirsty Io ho sete, same thing Io ho sete, verb to have I hot I am cold Io ho caldo Io ho freddo If you say Io SONO freddo let's say freddo actually would be the masculine adjective so for example he is cold Lui è freddo if you litterally translate this word by word so Lui è freddo It actually means that is not a friendly person at all that is he is cold but not in the sense that he's freezing so in Italian you have to say Lui HA freddo I am sleepy Ho sonno If you want to use the verb to be if you wanna keep the verb to be you have to say Io sono assonnato so you have to know the adjective assonnato that actually means sleepy Io sono assonnato if you want to keep the verb to be but it's more frequent to say Io ho sonno Same thing with I am afraid - Ho paura you cannot say Io sono paura because it doesn't make sense Ho PAURA or again, if you want to use the verb to be you have to say IO SONO IMPAURITO the thing is that if you want to keep the verb to be you have to know the correspondent adjectives to the nouns so sonno - assonnato paura - impaurito so you have to have a a wider vocabulary to be able to use the verb to be to keep it simple just use the verb to have and say Ho paura - simple as that So, I am hungry - ho fame I am thirsty - Ho sete I am hot - ho caldo / I am cold - Ho freddo I am sleepy - ho sonno I'm afraid - Ho paura Spero vi sia piaciuto il video Se vi vengono in mente altri esempi di questo tipo di frasi che in inglese si usa il verbo essere mentre in italiano il verbo avere o viceversa per esempio in inglese si usa avere e in italiano essere lasciatemi un commento a questo video oppure se avete qualunque cosa da dirmi lasciate un commento comunque condividete il video se vi è piaciuto non dimenticatevi di iscrivervi al mio canale vi auguro ancora buone vacanze, spero vi sia piaciuto anche il video del mini tour di Roma e ci vediamo nel prossimo video Ciao!