Tutorial Transcript
Every year, millions and millions of people are diagnosed with... ... 'adulthood' This man has 'adulthood' Like many adults, he must go to a job in the in the day just so he can afford to sleep somewhere at night and then there is housework Things must constantly be done. Yet when they are done, they undo themselves. On and on it goes: the epic, endless battle of adults against tasks If we can imagine Sisyphus happy it is because, at least we know he doesn't have to hoover It has always been this way Sometimes it feels like it always will be That is... until now With the help of 'How to Deal with Adulthood', people are learning that life can be different It teaches how the world of responsibility works... ... and how to escape, ignore and avoid it Being increasingly old doesn't have to be difficult and complicated All of 'adulthood's' symptoms will improve with a regular treatment of ... mindless rebellion ... procrastiation ... and concerning self-denial With our help, more and more people are escaping adulthood with their reckless, childish and idiotic personalities left intact Adulthood was passed down from generation to generation but we can break this cycle This is our chance to treat this problem, and finally put an end to this nonsense Learn now the best tips and trick with 'How to Deal with Adulthood' Do you know someone who has been affected by adulthood? Please pass this on to the late-starter in your life For help, visit www.nichterwachsenwerden.de