Tutorial Transcript
Hi guys, I am Desirèe and today we are going to check together the ten questions that you should know. [Come stai?] - “How are you?” In a basic conversation, this would be maybe the first question that people ask you. For example.. [Ciao, come stai?] - “Hi how are you?” [Ciao! Bene, e tu?] - “Fine, thanks. You?” [Cos'hai detto?] - “What did you say?” This is a useful question. You can also add.. “Can you repeat please?” [Puoi ripetere, per favore?] If you say this in a bad way like... [Che cosa hai detto?] - “What did you say?” [Che cosa hai detto su di me?] - “What did you say about me?” ...It can also be a starting point for a discussion, for an argument. Just go with the plain tone [Cos'hai detto? Puoi ripetere..] That’s why I advise you to add.. [Puoi ripetere, per favore?] - “Can you repeat please?” [Di dove sei?] - “Where are you from?” “I am from Italy” - [Sono italiana.] This is a question that usually refers to your country, to your nationality. [Dov'è il bagno?] - “Where is the bathroom?” You can use this question with everything you need to know, the place of. For example, [Dov'è la cucina?] - “Where is the kitchen?” [Dov'è l`ufficio?] - “Where is the office?” [Dov'è la scuola?] - “Where is the school?”. Just put the place that you need to know about after [Dov'è]. You can also say, you can also put a street name. [Dov'è Via della Francia?], for example. [Dove abiti?] - “Where do you live?” This is more specific than [Di dove sei?] For example, when you already know where the person you are talking to comes from, you can add [Dove abiti?] For example, “I live in Turin.” - [Io abito a Torino.] By the way, if you don’t know it, it’s a city in North of Italy like here. [Dove abiti?] can also refer to what kind of house do you have like are you living in an apartment or a mansion or a house. Yeah you can ask this question with [Dove abiti?] [Dove lavori?] - “Where do you work?” It’s another easy question that people would ask you when you are talking about yourself and you can answer... [Io lavoro all`aeroporto.] “I work at the airport”, for example. Or “I work at the supermarket.” [Lavoro al supermercato.] [Che lavoro fai?] “What kind of work do you do? What is your job?” Another question that would come together with [Dove lavori?] can be [Che lavoro fai?] - “What job do you do?” “What’s your job?” - [Qual è il tuo lavoro]. [Quanti anni hai?] - “How old are you?” As I said in another video, in Italian, you don’t answer, “I am 20” - [Sono venti anni] But you say “I have 20 years old.” - [Io ho vent`anni.] [Dove hai imparato l’Italiano?] “Where did you learn Italian?” [Ho imparato l’Italiano a scuola.] “I learned Italian at school”. “I learned Italian by myself.” [Ho imparato l’Italiano da solo.] Another question that would come together with [Dove hai imparato l’Italiano?] or another way of asking this would be... [Come hai imparato l’Italiano?] “How did you learn Italian?” And you can answer for example... “I learned Italian listening to songs.” [Ho imparato l’Italiano ascoltando canzoni.] If you manage, that’s great for you, bravo! [Ti piace la cucina italiana?] “Do you like Italian food?” For example, lasagne, pizza, deserto .. I can go on forever but I will stop here and tell you that another question that will come for sure, it’s.. [Qual è il tuo piatto italiano preferito?] “What is your favorite Italian dish?” It was the last of our ten questions you should know. Please let me know if you have other question you would like to know about and remember to subscribe. Bye bye [Ciao -Ciao]!