Tutorial Transcript

Hello everyone! Daria here, and welcome to another fast Russian video. Today I'm going to talk about my favorite dish And I guess you won't be surprised about what dish it is. And as usual use English subtitles if you don't understand what I'm saying. And the full transcript will be below this video. So check out the description box. Here we go. Today I want to tell you about my favorite dish. And of course it's a stereotype, but I love pelmeni (dumplings). I really like dumplings. I don't know, with pepper, with garlic-vinegar sauce My stomach is rumbling... Well, I'd love to eat dumplings every day. I'd eat them non-stop. But of course it's not good for you. Because – what are dumplings? Dumplings are meat in dough Seems simple... But of course eating dumplings every day is bad People become fat because of it because usually I pour tons of sour cream, salt, to make it more delicious I'm hungry... Ok, back to dumplings. I like to make dumplings But it's difficult. Well, not difficult, it's time consuming. You need to make dough, you need to make forcemeat then sit down and make one hundred pieces the freeze them. It takes time. That's why I don't eat dumplings too often. But I'll tell one more time, I adore dumplings :D This is my most favorite dish. And that was it, I hope you enjoyed. And tell me about your favorite dish in the comments. And also tell me, have you ever tried pelmeni? And if you haven't – do it. Do it tomorrow. Because it's totally worth it. So, that's it for today. Thank you very much for watching. And... what. I hope to see you in my next video of course. Bye-bye!